Friday, April 19, 2013

The News

I don't like to watch the news.  I believe it lives to stoke fear and distrust in our nation.  My husband however, is a news fanatic.  If he is up, the news is on.  Drives me nuts!  In the last few days though, the news has been inescapable.  So, today I thought I would stray from my daily readings and talk a little about fear and faith. 

Two of my favorite passages come from Isaiah.  The first is this:  "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."  43:1-2.  Take comfort children of the Living God!  We are protected by God Almighty.  It does not say we will be spared trials, but that He will be with us and we will make it to the other side.  This world has some high, crazy waters and some fierce fires burning.  We can choose to fear what is happening and we can try to run away.  Maybe if we hid well enough, the pain of the world could not find us.  Somehow I doubt that is possible.  OR we can choose to hold on to the promise in Isaiah.  HE will be with us.  There is not greater protector, no more valiant a warrior than our God.  We can trust that as we go through these scary times, He will help us see it through to the end...and at the end we will see His glory revealed.  How awesome is it, that He uses us as an instrument for His glory?

The second is this:  "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 41:10.  This sound so much like what a father would say to his child.  Remember the monsters in the closet and how mom just wasn't good enough to get rid of them sometimes?  Then daddy would come and say, don't be scared...I'm here...I'll protect you!  That always made me feel better...big strong daddy was going to kick monster butt!  Our God is no different than our loving fathers, unless you want to count the fact that He is so much stronger and better than our earthly fathers!  This is our Father's promise to us.  He will help matter what!

Right now so many of us are facing fear...fear of what is going on in our country, fear for the lives and safety of friends, fear for the sickness and death that seems to be running rampant through so many homes.  Today I want us to remember, we do not have to face that fear alone.  We can call out to our God that protects and defends us.  The God who has made so many promises to us, and wants to keep them...if we will let Him.  If you are afraid today, call out to Daddy and let Him stand with you.  He may not take the scary situation away, people will still get sick and maybe even die, but He will bring you the peace and comfort no one else can.  And maybe, one day you'll be able to see how all this is for His glory and you'll get to see how you were a part of it.

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