Sunday, December 15, 2013

Fearless....Psalm 3

I like this Psalm!  This is a great reminder that no matter what we face, we can face it with the confidence that God will protect us. 

As I read the first 2 verses, I think to myself how times have simply not changed.  There are still those who do not believe in God.  There are still those who would hate those who do believe in God.  There are still those who sit back to watch and see if "their God" will save us.  The method may be a little different, what with Facebook, cell phones, and news media...but the mentality has not changed.  I find that sad, especially here in America where we are supposed to be tolerant of one another.  Yes, I find it sad. 

The next two verses, however, tell us that not only will He shield us but he will give us glory.  I guess each person has a different vision of glory, and that's fine, but God promises that if we follow His path He will bestow glory upon us.

We are reminded that our breath, our life, our ability to wake up in the morning, is due to the good grace of God.  We get up every morning because God says we should.  While at first there might be a little bit of bitterness at that thought...the thought that God can just say "phfft" and not let us wake up the next morning, once we progress to a deeper trust in God we see though that God chooses to sustain our lives!  It is because of Him that we breathe.  It is because of Him we see the dawn...and He does not have to be that gracious to us!

On the other note, we are told to not fear.  I'm not sure how many times that phrase is in the Bible but I know it's in there a lot!  Don't fear!  God's got this!  What are you worried for?  No matter what the situation, fear should not be our response.

We are able to call upon God to strike down our enemies.  I think we either forget that, or we are afraid to use that now days.  I guess it's not nice and loving to ask God to strike down our enemies.  I can honestly say I've never asked for that...I've always asked for more love, more patience, greater understanding.  I wonder what would happen if I asked God to simply strike down the enemy?  I wonder what would happen if more people remembered we are allowed to do that, and began asking God to strike down the enemy.  This Psalm doesn't ask for God to kill them...but to deliever a crushing blow-something they won't forget.  This is a strike that may remind people God is!  How cool is that?

Yes, I like this Psalm.  "May your blessing be on your people."

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Holiday Spirit

My husband told me yesterday that every year I tell him I'm just not in the holiday spirit.  And usually every year, that really bothers me.  I can't seem to find the cheer and hyped up hyper that seems to be part of this season.  My mentality towards people doesn't seem to change and I just really don't have this huge adjustment in my life during this time of the year.

Oh, sure...we share dinner and maybe a good chunk of our day with people that are mostly strangers.  So far I haven't given anyone food poisoning...I'm pretty proud of that!  I make and bake more cookies that should be humanly possible.  I buy gifts and wrap them up in pretty paper and put them under a tree.  I tell my kids the story of the birth of Jesus, again, and bake a cake for His birthday. 

Other than stays the same.  Apparently not for many others.  Shelters, hospitals, charities get massive donations at Christmas time.  People start giving.  Churches get crowded.  Good will towards all men is the theme of the day.  Kids have parties in school and dress in red and green for cute holiday concerts.  Families have huge get togethers.  Life is more genial and loving all around.

Sure, people are still homeless.  People still get sick and laid off and have bad days.  Wars still go on.  Prisons still have prisoners.  But for some reason, there is something extra happy about this time of year and I can't seem to find it. 

You see, I think the story of the birth and death of Christ should be told all the time.  I think we should donate all the time.  I think we should have good will towards men all the time.  I think we should help others all the time.  I think we should randomly bake cookies for guessed it...all the time! 

Why should our lives do such a huge about face in this season?  Why should we have a "holiday spirit" and not an "all the time spirit"? 

If you are a person of faith, I can tell you that no where in the Bible does it say rejoice more during a certain time of the year than others.  No where does it say give more during the winter than during the summer.  No where does it say kindness is conditional on the calendar. 

Maybe that's why I can't find my holiday spirit...maybe I manage to keep it all year round.  Ok, that's bragging and simply not true!  But I do try...and I think we all should too. 

I challenge you...give like you do during the holidays all year round.  Have that same compassion in the summer as you do in winter.  Love all year and love well!  I think our world would change if we held the whole year as a time of joy and celebration, instead of just a couple of months.  Let us remember each day, each life, each moment is matter where, when or how we find ourselves!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Leadership Psalm...Psalm 2

This Psalm makes me uneasy.  I'm not sure if it is supposed to, and I'm not sure if it is supposed to bring me comfort.  These 12 verses almost feel like a "nener-nener" kind of story. 

I feel conflicted about this Psalm, and maybe that's a sign that I've fallen off the track.  Maybe I need to get to the root of my unease.  I just don't like the idea of poking our world leaders in the eye with the knowledge that God is laughing at them.  At the same time I don't like the idea that world leaders are spitting on my God.  (or trying to)  I'm not sure what the right answer is here.

Why do the nations conspire against God?  I think it's base human nature.  One of the hardest things about Christianity is the knowledge that you are not the greatest, that you are not in charge and that you have to take orders from someone else.  Being humble, being a servant, being less is not popular in any timeframe in human history.  And I think sometimes, those in power forget where they came from.  That saying about power...Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts true.  It takes true power and courage to submit to a higher authority.

Verses 8 and 9 make me uneasy too...maybe it's because I really don't have anyone set against me.  Maybe because I'm not in bondage to a government or people.  I'm going to be honest though, I don't want to own nations...I don't want to own the earth.  I don't want to shatter those who are my enemy (or could be my enemy).  These verses are violent and I'm not sure I'm supposed to be happy about this.  There is a kind of glee in these verses and it makes me uneasy.

Verses 10-12 are largely ignored by the majority of earthly leaders.  Especially here in the US.  I think we have forgotten that He has wrath, I think we have forgotten the He can destroy us in a blink.  I think we have forgotten that we are not the greatest!  It's rare to see a humble leader...namely because humble is no longer something that is looked at with desire. 

Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.  That's my favorite and only comfortable part of this Psalm for me. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Getting started with the Psalms

I've decided a way to dive back into my Bible is to keep a journal of what I read about and what I think of each section.  I've decided to start with the Psalms, simply because they aren't my favorite and people seem to think I'm weird for not liking them.  Maybe I am weird...guess we'll find out together.

Psalm 1

This Psalm is short, only 6 verses, yet it manages to cram a whole lot into it.  It seems to tell me that I should not seek council from those who are not Godly.  In other words, don't ask advice from people who don't share your faith.  Makes sense, after all people who walk on a different path are not going to see things from a Godly perspective.  Why would we seek council from those who don't share our faith? 

The part about standing the way of sinners...I'm not sure if that means we should not stand around with other words, actively associate with them, or if it means we should not stand in their way.  I can't imagine that's what it would mean, unless we are talking about those who sin, know it and want to.  There are those we simply cannot stop from sinning...maybe we are supposed to stay out of their way.

It tells us that when we are solid in God's word that we stand solid.  We don't have to worry about being wishy-washy or indecisive.  We can hold firm to the knowledge that God is guiding us and we won't be tossed about on the whims of fashion, popular opinion, or current day fads.  What a relief!  Keeping up with all that is tough!  Being a child of God, holding fast to just His laws is enough to keep me steady and grounded. 

Finally, it shows that in the end, those who choose to walk away from God, those who do not believe will not be able to judge me.  Their opinions don't count.  It is only God who will judge me, and He is fair and just.  He is not held to the whims of human nature, nor is He fickle or forgetful of His promises.  It's a relief to know the standard by which I will be judged, and even more of a relief to know I am already forgiven when I accepted Christ as my Savior. 

See...I had to write all that it what it took a Godly man only 6 verses!